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Envision Reference
Envision Specifications
- StyleCode
- StyleCode - Layout Pipeline
- StyleCode - Number Pipeline
- StyleCode - Plot Color Pipeline
- StyleCode - Text Pipeline
- StyleCode - Types
StyleCode properties
-- StyleCode Property: alignWithLeft
-- StyleCode Property: areaPosition
-- StyleCode Property: areaTo
-- StyleCode Property: as
-- StyleCode Property: axisMax
-- StyleCode Property: axisMin
-- StyleCode Property: axisScale
-- StyleCode Property: backgroundColor
-- StyleCode Property: badgeColor
-- StyleCode Property: bannerButton
-- StyleCode Property: bannerMessage
-- StyleCode Property: barchartGroups
-- StyleCode Property: barPadding
-- StyleCode Property: barRatio
-- StyleCode Property: barTo
-- StyleCode Property: booleans
-- StyleCode Property: box0
-- StyleCode Property: box100
-- StyleCode Property: box25
-- StyleCode Property: box75
-- StyleCode Property: boxLowerColor
-- StyleCode Property: boxUpperColor
-- StyleCode Property: buttonAspect
-- StyleCode Property: buttonBackground
-- StyleCode Property: buttonBorder
-- StyleCode Property: buttonText
-- StyleCode Property: cellBackground
-- StyleCode Property: cellTooltip
-- StyleCode Property: chartBlockKind
-- StyleCode Property: color
-- StyleCode Property: columnAppend
-- StyleCode Property: columnDisplay
-- StyleCode Property: columnPrepend
-- StyleCode Property: columnReadOnly
-- StyleCode Property: columnTooltip
-- StyleCode Property: columnTooltipText
-- StyleCode Property: columnWidth
-- StyleCode Property: columnWidthEditable
-- StyleCode Property: dashButton
-- StyleCode Property: dashButtonKind
-- StyleCode Property: dateFormat
-- StyleCode Property: defaultTab
-- StyleCode Property: downloadColumn
-- StyleCode Property: downloadColumnName
-- StyleCode Property: downloadFileName
-- StyleCode Property: enableAllSelector
-- StyleCode Property: entryDisplay
-- StyleCode Property: entryTooltip
-- StyleCode Property: entryTooltipText
-- StyleCode Property: entryWidthFactor
-- StyleCode Property: fieldChoiceLabels
-- StyleCode Property: fieldChoices
-- StyleCode Property: fieldColor
-- StyleCode Property: fieldType
-- StyleCode Property: formAccess
-- StyleCode Property: formButton
-- StyleCode Property: formButtonAlign
-- StyleCode Property: formMessage
-- StyleCode Property: fractionSeparator
-- StyleCode Property: gaugeAngle
-- StyleCode Property: gaugeFillColor
-- StyleCode Property: gaugeMax
-- StyleCode Property: gaugeMin
-- StyleCode Property: gaugeStrokeColor
-- StyleCode Property: gridlineColor
-- StyleCode Property: gridlines
-- StyleCode Property: headerBackground
-- StyleCode Property: headerTextColor
-- StyleCode Property: href
-- StyleCode Property: hrefAspect
-- StyleCode Property: hrefBackground
-- StyleCode Property: hrefBorder
-- StyleCode Property: hrefTarget
-- StyleCode Property: hrefText
-- StyleCode Property: iconColor
-- StyleCode Property: iconPosition
-- StyleCode Property: labelBorder
-- StyleCode Property: labelBorderColor
-- StyleCode Property: labelIcon
-- StyleCode Property: legendPosition
-- StyleCode Property: menuDisplay
-- StyleCode Property: minPrecision
-- StyleCode Property: monthFormat
-- StyleCode Property: numbers
-- StyleCode Property: plusSign
-- StyleCode Property: precision
-- StyleCode Property: radius
-- StyleCode Property: selectAllLabel
-- StyleCode Property: seriesDisplay
-- StyleCode Property: seriesFan
-- StyleCode Property: seriesLegend
-- StyleCode Property: seriesLegendRank
-- StyleCode Property: seriesLegendTooltip
-- StyleCode Property: seriesMarker
-- StyleCode Property: seriesOpacity
-- StyleCode Property: seriesPattern
-- StyleCode Property: seriesSmooth
-- StyleCode Property: seriesStack
-- StyleCode Property: seriesType
-- StyleCode Property: sliceField
-- StyleCode Property: sliceHierarchy
-- StyleCode Property: sliceUnselected
-- StyleCode Property: summaryColumns
-- StyleCode Property: tabBadge
-- StyleCode Property: tabDisplay
-- StyleCode Property: textAlign
-- StyleCode Property: textBold
-- StyleCode Property: textColor
-- StyleCode Property: textItalic
-- StyleCode Property: textRotation
-- StyleCode Property: textVerticalAlign
-- StyleCode Property: thousandSeparator
-- StyleCode Property: tileColor
-- StyleCode Property: tileH
-- StyleCode Property: tilePlacement
-- StyleCode Property: tileTab
-- StyleCode Property: tileTitle
-- StyleCode Property: tileTooltip
-- StyleCode Property: tileTooltipText
-- StyleCode Property: tileW
-- StyleCode Property: tileX
-- StyleCode Property: tileY
-- StyleCode Property: tileZoom
-- StyleCode Property: tooltipColor
-- StyleCode Property: tooltipSecondaryColor
-- StyleCode Property: treemapCut
-- StyleCode Property: unit
-- StyleCode Property: unitPosition
-- StyleCode Property: vaxis
-- StyleCode Property: weekFormat
StyleCode Property: dateFormat
Specifies the format used to print out dates.
// Example: linechart > haxis > value
table Day[Date] = with
[| as Date, as StockOnHand, as StockOnOrder |]
[| date(2023,01,15), 15,10 |]
[| date(2023,01,16), 5, 2 |]
[| date(2023,01,17), 12, 4 |]
[| date(2023,01,18), 13, 7 |]
{ haxis { value { dateFormat: "ddd MMM d, yyyy" } } }
show linechart "My Line Chart" a1b6 with
// Example: scalar > entry > value
myValue = 123
show scalar "My Scalar" a1b1 with
myValue { value { dateFormat: "ddd MMM d, yyyy" } }
// Example: slicepicker > entry
table Items = with
[| as Id |]
[| "A" |]
[| "B" |]
[| "C" |]
Items.Slice = sliceDashboard(Items.Id) by Items.Id
show slicepicker "Pick a slice" a1b3 with
same(Items.Id) { dateFormat: "ddd MMM d, yyyy" }
// Example: summary > entry > value
table Sales = with
[| as Quantity, as NetAmount |]
[| 10, 40 |]
[| 2, 10 |]
[| 1, 20 |]
show summary "My Summary" a1b3 with
sum(Sales.Quantity) { value { dateFormat: "ddd MMM d, yyyy" } }
// Example: table > column > value
table Orders = with
[| as Date, as Quantity |]
[| date(2023,02,21), 150 |]
[| date(2023,02,22), 250 |]
show table "My Table" a1c4 with
Orders.Date { value { dateFormat: "ddd MMM d, yyyy" } }
The default
value will be interpreted differently depending on
the context. It usually is ddd MMM d, yyyy
(e.g. “Mon Jan 1, 2001”)
but will be instead MMM d, yyyy
(e.g. “Jan 1, 2001”) in narrow contexts,
such as a scalar tile of width 1.