StyleCode - Types


A color can be specified using one of the following patterns:


A date format is text containing special sequences representing aspects of a date. Non-letter characters, such as , or white space, are printed out as-is. Letters are reserved, and should be escaped using backslash (\d prints an actual d).

The supported special sequences are given below for Monday January 1st, 2001:

Sequence Example Description
d 1 The day of the month.
dd 01 The day of the month, always two digits.
ddd Mon The day of the week, short three-letter name.
dddd Monday The day of the week, full name.
M 1 The month of the year.
MM 01 The month of the year, always two digits.
MMM Jan The month of the year, short three-letter name.
MMMM January The month of the year, full name.
y 1 The year within the century (but why would you use that ?)
yy 01 The two-digit year within the century, to plan for the year 2100 bug.
yyyy 2001 The four-digit year number.
w 1 The ISO week number.
ww 01 The ISO week number, always two digits.
vv 01 The ISO week year number (usually yy, sometimes yy plus or minus one).
vvvv 2001 The ISO week year number (usually yyyy, sometimes yyyy plus or minus one).

For example, the format yyyy-MM-dd gives 2001-01-01, the format ddd MMM d, yyyy gives Mon Jan 1, 2001.

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