StyleCode Property: seriesLegendRank


Specifies the rank used to order the series in the legend.

If two series share the same rank, the one with the highest average vertical position on the chart is displayed first.

“auto” has a different behavior depending on “legendPosition”.

Applies to Type Default
barchart > series
chart > block > plotxy > series
chart > block > plot > series
chart > block > scatter > series
linechart > series
Number, auto auto


// Example: barchart > series
table Items = with
  [| as SKU, as Category, as Quantity |]
  [| "AAA", "CAT_1", 10 |]
  [| "BBB", "CAT_2", 20 |]
  [| "CCC", "CAT_1", 30 |]

show barchart "My BarChart" a1b6 with
  sum(Items.Quantity) { seriesLegendRank: 1 }
  group by Items.Category

// Example: linechart > series
table Day[Date] = with
  [| as Date, as StockOnHand, as StockOnOrder |]
  [| date(2023,01,15), 15,10 |]
  [| date(2023,01,16), 5, 2 |]
  [| date(2023,01,17), 12, 4 |]
  [| date(2023,01,18), 13, 7 |]

show linechart "My Line Chart" a1b6 with
  Day.StockOnHand { seriesLegendRank: 1 }

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