StyleCode Property: areaTo


Specifies the other bound of the area drawn for a series with seriesType: area.

Applies to Type Default
barchart > series
chart > block > plot > series
linechart > series
Number 0


// Example: barchart > series
table Items = with
  [| as SKU, as Category, as Quantity |]
  [| "AAA", "CAT_1", 10 |]
  [| "BBB", "CAT_2", 20 |]
  [| "CCC", "CAT_1", 30 |]

show barchart "My BarChart" a1b6 with
  sum(Items.Quantity) { areaTo: 1 }
  group by Items.Category

// Example: linechart > series
table Day[Date] = with
  [| as Date, as StockOnHand, as StockOnOrder |]
  [| date(2023,01,15), 15,10 |]
  [| date(2023,01,16), 5, 2 |]
  [| date(2023,01,17), 12, 4 |]
  [| date(2023,01,18), 13, 7 |]

show linechart "My Line Chart" a1b6 with
  Day.StockOnHand { areaTo: 1 }


This property can be a vector (distinct value for each point in the series). The area drawn will start at the series value and run up to the areaTo value. See also areaPosition to draw the area on only one side of the series.

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