
uniform(number), function

def pure uniform(n: number): zedfunc

Returns the function $f: k \mapsto \bold{1}(k \in [0, n])$, that maps an integer $k$ to $1$ if $k \in [0,n]$ and $0$ otherwise.
The argument n must be an integer or the function fails.


show scalar "" a1b2 with uniform(5)


Calling uniform with a non-integer argument will fail and return the following error:

‘uniform(n)’ is rounding fractional numbers.

Recipes and best practices

uniform and its variants can be used as building blocks to craft more complex functions by parts:

// This function maps [0,5] to 1 and [6,+∞] to 2
f1 = uniform(5) + 2 * uniform.right(6)
show scalar "f1" a3b4 with f1

See also

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