slicepicker, tile type
The slicepicker
is an interactive tile that offers navigation controls to pick a slice.
In this example, the slice picker controls the ballistic trajectory of a projectile subjected to gravity and wind.
table Angles[angle] = with
[| as Angle |]
[| 85 |]
[| 75 |]
[| 60 |]
[| 45 |]
[| 30 |]
[| 15 |]
[| 5 |]
table Velocity = with
[| as Velocity |]
[| 100 |]
[| 90 |]
[| 80 |]
[| 60 |]
[| 40 |]
[| 20 |]
table Wind = with
[| -4 as Wind |]
[| -2 |]
[| -1 |]
[| 0 |]
[| 1 |]
[| 2 |]
[| 4 |]
table AngleVelocity = cross(Angles, Velocity)
table AngleVelocity = where AngleVelocity.*
table Parameters = cross(AngleVelocity, Wind)
table Parameters[p] = where Parameters.*
Parameters.Angle = Angles.Angle into AngleVelocity
Parameters.Velocity = Velocity.Velocity into AngleVelocity
Parameters.Wind = Wind.Wind
table Time = extend.range(500)
table Trajectory = cross(Time, Parameters)
const dt = 0.1
def process simulate(wind: number; ivx: number, ivy: number) with
keep x = 0
keep y = 0
keep vx = ivx
keep vy = ivy
// Return current value
ix = x
iy = y
// Do not allow traversing the ground
where y + vy*dt <= 0
vx = -(y/dt/vy) * vx
vy = -y/dt
// Integrate 1st order
x = x + vx * dt
y = y + vy * dt
// Integrate 2nd order
vx = vx + wind * dt
vy = vy - 9.82 * dt
return (ix, iy)
Parameters.VelX = cos(Parameters.Angle * 0.0174533) * Parameters.Velocity
Parameters.VelY = sin(Parameters.Angle * 0.0174533) * Parameters.Velocity
Trajectory.X, Trajectory.Y = simulate(Parameters.Wind; Parameters.VelX, Parameters.VelY)
by p scan (Time.N into Trajectory)
table Slices[slice] = slice by p title:""
Trajectory.slice = Parameters.slice
show slicepicker "Ballistic parameters" a1b4 with
same(Parameters.Angle) as "Angle"
same(Parameters.Velocity) as "Velocity"
same(Parameters.Wind) as "Wind"
show table "Trajectory" a5b7 slices:Trajectory.slice with
maxy = max(Trajectory.Y) * 1.1
maxx = max(Trajectory.X) * 1.1
show scatter "Trajectory" c1f7 slices:Trajectory.slice {
vaxis { axisMax: #(maxy) }
haxis { axisMax: #(maxx) }
} with
order by Time.N