
sample keyword

The keyword sample represents an accumulation process within a montecarlo block. The accumulation is relative to the iterations of the montecarlo block itself.

montecarlo 1000 with
  x = random.uniform(-1, 1)
  y = random.uniform(-1, 1)
  inCircle = x^2 + y^2 < 1
  sample approxPi = avg(if inCircle then 4 else 0)
show scalar "π approximation" with approxPi

With the ranvar() accumulator:

montecarlo 1000 with
  x = if random.binomial(0.2) then 0 else random.poisson(5)
  sample r = ranvar(x)

show scalar "Zero-inflated Poisson" a1b3  with r

At this point, avg() and ranvar() are the sole accumulators supported by sample.

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