
ranvar.periodicr(T.a ..) 🡒 T.r : ranvar, function

Converts time-series into ranvars by collecting observations over moving windows. Generalizes ranvar.segment with an horizon expressed as a ranvar and events at the extrema or at the middle of the chosen time interval are equally taken into account:

table Items[id] = with // 'id' is the primary dimension of 'Items'
  [| as id, as Start, as End, as LeadTime |]
  [| "A",  date(2023,1,3),  date(2023,1,14), 3 |]
  [| "B",  date(2023,1,10), date(2023,1,18), 2 |]
  [| "C",  date(2023,1,20), date(2023,1,25), 4 |]

table Orders = with
  [| as MyId, as MyDate, as Quantity |]
  [| "A",  date(2023,1,5), 5 |]
  [| "A",  date(2023,1,11), 2 |]
  [| "B",  date(2023,1,20), 1 |]

table Censored = with
  [| as MyId, as StockOutDate |]
  [| "B",  date(2023, 1, 3) |]
  [| "B", date(2023, 1, 5) |]

expect Orders.id = Orders.MyId // add 'id' as secondary dimension of 'Orders'
expect Censored.id = Censored.MyId // idem, for 'Censored'

Orders.D = ranvar.periodicr( // beware, it's not 'periodic' but 'periodicr'
  start: Items.Start
  end: Items.End
  horizon: dirac(Items.LeadTime)
  censoredDemandDate: Censored.StockOutDate // optional
  date: Orders.MyDate
  quantity: Orders.Quantity)

where id == "A" // 1 event displayed
  show table "Periodic Demand" a1d4 with

Indeed, ranvar.periodicr considers an infinite repetition of the input data and sums the event quantities over periods of all possible lengths contained in the horizon ranvar. As a consequence, if we consider the example above and we imagine an additional event of quantity 2 on Jan 7th, ranvar.periodicr with dirac(3) as the horizon would observe the following:

and returns the ranvar ~28% Q = 0, ~28% Q = 2, ~28% Q = 5, ~14% Q = 7. For comparison, ranvar.segment with horizon 3 and step 1 would ignore the last two lines of the above list and return 40% Q = 0, 20% Q = 2, 40% Q = 5.

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