
min(T.A : ‘a) 🡒 ‘a, autodiff aggregator

Returns the maximal value for the group according ot the canonical ordering for the data type. All the ordered data types are supported.

table T = with
  [| as A, as B, as C |]
  [| "b", 2, date(2020, 1, 8)  |]
  [| "c", 1, date(2010, 9, 1)  |]
  [| "a", 0, date(2019, 12, 1) |]

show summary "" a1b4 with

When facing an empty group, the default value for the data type is returned.

min(n : number, …) -> number, const autodiff pure function

Returns the smallest of the list of numbers. The function is variadic.

show scalar "" a1 with min(1, 2)
show scalar "" b1 with min(2, 3, 4)
show scalar "" c1 with min(3, 4, 5, 6)

min(r : ranvar, n : number) -> ranvar, pure function

Same as min(r, dirac(n)), see below. The number n must be an integer or the function fails.

min(n : number, r : ranvar) -> ranvar, pure function

Same as min(dirac(n), r), see below. The number n must be an integer or the function fails.

min(r : ranvar, …) -> ranvar, pure function

If $X_1$ and $X_2$ are two independent random variables over $\mathbb{Z}$ associated to the ranvars r1 and r2 respectively, returns $\max(X_1, X_2)$. The function is variadic.

a = poisson(1)
b = poisson(2)
show scalar "a" a1c3 with a
show scalar "b" a4c6 with b
show scalar "min(a, b)" a7c9 with min(a, b)
show scalar "min(a, b, b)" a10c12 with min(a, a, b)

See also

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