Navigation : Envision Language Lokad Platform Envision Gallery Envision Reference - Glossary - Tile syntax - List of icons - StyleCode sub-language - _ - A-B-C - D-E-F -- dashUrl -- date -- Day -- dayNum -- def -- default -- delete -- desc -- dirac -- diracz -- dispersion -- distinct -- distinctapprox -- downloadUrl -- each -- else -- emptySet -- endsWith -- entropy -- enum -- escape -- escapelike -- exp -- expect -- exponential -- export -- expsmooth -- extend.billOfMaterials -- extend.range -- extend.ranvar -- extend.split -- fail -- false -- field -- fieldCount -- fieldr -- fifo -- Files -- fileUrl -- fillrate -- first -- flag -- flagset -- floor -- folderUrl -- for -- forest.regress -- forex -- form -- format - G-H-I - J-K-L - M-N-O - P-Q-R - S-T-U - V-W-X - Y-Z Envision Specifications Library Legacy extend.billOfMaterials extend.billOfMaterials(), table function Translates a demand history for items into the demand history for the parts. See user guide. See also hasCycles User Contributed Notes 0 notes + add a note expsmooth extend.range