(*) multiply operator and star operator

(number * number) 🡒 number, const autodiff

The regular multiplication of two numbers.

x = 3
y = 2
show scalar "" with x * y

(ranvar * ranvar) 🡒 ranvar

The multiplication of two random independent variables over $\mathbb{Z}$.

x1 = poisson(5)
x2 = poisson(3)
show scalar "" a1b2 with x1 * x2

This operation is also known as the Dirichlet convolution. Under the hood, a convolution happens. The mean of the resulting ranvar is equal to the product of the means of the two ranvar operands.

(zedfunc * zedfunc) 🡒 zedfunc

The multiplication of two zedfuncs, real functions over $\mathbb{Z}$..


f = linear(3)
g = linear(2)
show scalar "" a1b2 with f * g

(text * number) 🡒 text

Repeats text a specified number of times. "ABC" * 3 is "ABCABCABC". An integer is expected.


show scalar "" a1c1 with "ABC" * 3

Table.* 🡒 boolean, star operator

The MyTable.* syntax is used as a syntactic sugar for true into MyTable.

table T = with
  [| as A  |]
  [| true  |]
  [| false |]
  [| true  |]
where T.A
  show scalar "Lines" a1 with count(T.*) // '2'
  // 'T.*' is a syntactic sugar for 'true into T'
  show scalar "Lines" a2 with count(true into T)  // '2'

The T.* syntactic sugar can be used in isolation, but this sugar is really intended for count(T.*), which is reminiscent of the SQL syntax SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTbl.


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